Another Week Gone By
It has been a hot week here in Chilliwack – temperatures up in the 30s all week and they are saying 36° today. Isabelle and I may escape the heat and go to a movie this afternoon. We run our small air conditioner in our sleeping area to keep us cool and that helps a lot. Otherwise we both struggle with sleep and sleep is just too important for us.
Speaking of sleep, I have been sleeping better. We have adjusted my sleep medications and that seems to be working. And as I have mentioned in the past sleep really seems to be important for me. And if you think about it, it is probably very important for you. Not only does my attitude improve but my decision-making, patience and abilities seem to improve. Do you think it’s the same for you?
It has been a busy week meeting with lots of people. I had a wonderful meeting with my friend Michelle, who is blind. We made quite a pair going for coffee; I can’t move, and she can’t see! My assistant, Mila, helped Michelle move about and brought our drinks for us. We had a wonderful talk about living life differently and how to survive the good times and the bad. Sadly, I didn’t think to get a photo of us.
Also, my very good friend, Tanvir, came to visit. He was at GF Strong with me and is a quadriplegic as well. We are both fighting the same fight and we had a very interesting talk about our lives, how we cope, and what our futures hold. I would like to tell you that we came up with solutions, but we just agreed that the future will unfold as it does. It is great to get together with friends and reminisce a little bit, talk about our issues and move forward.
As always, the issue is finding time for myself. Time just to sit and think, listen to the radio or read the paper. Much less time to write for my blog and other things. I am slowly catching up on emails so if you haven’t heard from me yet, please be patient, I am working on it. But I do need more time on my own. We are taking most of August off, and hanging out and catching up to recharge for the fall.
Not much else to talk about this week. Thank you to all who have spent time with me and have tried to help. As I say there is not much more you can do then be my friend and try to understand.
Depression is a weird thing and I am sure I am not the only one trying to deal with it. It comes and it goes and we all try to move forward.
That’s all until next week,